3 easy caring tips for outdoor furniture cushions
Having a beautiful patio with luxurious furniture and comfy cushions is all outdoor living is about. While many cushions are hardwearing, they aren’t indestructible. And regardless of how careful you are with them, some damage is just unavoidable. But fortunately, there are quite a few things you can do to keep them in excellent condition for seasons to come. Keep reading to learn how to care for your outdoor furniture cushions.
Protection from sun
The UV rays of the sun are not just harmful to your skin; they are bad for the cushions of your outdoor chair and other furniture too.

Protection from rain and snow
Many cushion fabrics are designed to be water-resistant and not waterproof. This means that they can only keep most of the moisture at bay.
Keeping the cushions clean
Regularly cleaning the cushions of your outdoor chairs and other furniture is probably the best caring tip. However, it would help if you kept in mind that not all fabrics are equal, so different fabric needs to be cleaned in different ways. It’s best that you refer to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer to know how to clean your cushion fabric. Most cushions can be cleaned easily with only mild soap and water. All you need to do is scrub the fabric with a brush or sponge. And always ensure that the cushions dry thoroughly after washing. Use a towel or a hairdryer if you want to dry them out quickly.